发布时间:2017-12-06  阅读次数:4994


Calling for Forum Organizational Partners and Sponsors


Possibly the Best Annual Meeting for Discussion of Green Product Assessment, Eco-design and Developing a Trustworthy Green Market in China



On Jan 26, 2018 in Shanghai, invited policy makers and think tank from Beijing, America and Europe will talk about the newest green product and market policies, prominent scientist and scholars will share update and observation for a more sustainable economy and society, and outstanding business and thought leaders will unleash their deep insights about the market trend, technology, management and suggestion on shaping a more sustainable future. Over 300 attendees from government, business and academy will gather together in 1mi1 annual eco-design forum, to explore, to share, to learn and get inspired.

Packaging waste, food waste, micro-plastic in ocean, air pollution, water degradation...what solution will you and your company bring to your client and market? Come and know more about how eco-design, how a community of designers, engineers, investors and entrepreneurs will shape the future of your business. You may find the answer through an ECO-HACK Cooptition (Cooperation+Competiton) on the forum, and last but not the least, which is also my favourite part: you can establish and join your eco-design working group, to continue the journey back home with 1mi1 community...

To transform the market toward green and create a brighter common future for our children, come and join 1mi1 eco-design community (a non-profit dedicated to transform the market toward sustainability in China), green product is not an outsider's job anymore, it should be the DNA of all business. Come and support Eco-design China Forum, let's make the impossible possible. For more news about this forum and opportunities to support please contact Bill  through email below or click the buttons at the bottom of this email. 


Bill Kung

Founder and CEO


Email: bill.k@1mi1.cn

TeL: +86-21-61036720

2018年1月26日,我们邀请了中国绿色制造与绿色产品政策的政府领导讨论最新的绿色产品及市场政策,著名的经济、技术及研究学者分享可持续经济与社会发展的观察与思考,并将邀请杰出企业及社会领袖交流有关绿色市场、科技的深刻洞察以及对建设可持续发展社会的建议。共计约300人将出席本次年度生态设计中国大会, 共同学习、交流和成长。


建设绿色市场实现生态转型我们需要现在就开始行动,支持一米一绿色设计社区,只有您的支持才能让我们共同的努力成功——毕竟未来的企业必须要把绿色设计融入企业的战略和DNA之中。加入一米一社区,了解活动更具体信息以及开展合作的方式和机会吧(邮件bill.k@1mi1.cn 或者点击邮件末尾的支持链接)






电话: +86-21-61036720

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