发布时间:2017-12-06  阅读次数:4822

Calling for Presentations

Possibly the Best Annual Meeting for Discussion of Green Product Assessment, Eco-design and Developing a Trustworthy Green Market in China 或许是2018年最值得您期待和参加的有关绿色产品评价、生态设计与绿色市场建设的年度中国会议

Dear Reader

You are welcomed to read and review the following description of a calling for presentations for the 'Green Product Assessment and Eco-design China Forum' to be hold on January 26 2018 in Shanghai. Please feel free to contact us or submit your application following instructions provided below. look forward to seeing you in Shanghai.

您好, 第一届绿色产品评价及生态设计中国论坛将于2018年1月26日在上海隆重举行,诚邀您阅读以下的演讲者申请须知和介绍,如果有任何问题或有兴趣参与演讲,请按照下列联系办法与我们联系。期待与您在上海相会。

Best regards / 祝您生活愉快

Bill kung 龚万彬

CEO of 1mi1 community 一米一社区及环翼CEO


Product eco-design and life cycle based green product assessment and management is becoming one of the corner stone in the ‘China Made - 2025’ policy, which emphasizes green product and sustainable development as the key strategy for building a strong country for manufacturing. Eco-design and life cycle assessment (LCA) is a new concept and methodology to support sustainable development among business, market and society. Shanghai as the headquarter of more than hundreds of international and domestic companies in China, has been playing a key role in economic and social development. With the first Green Product Assessment and Eco-design China forum, brilliant brains from industry, academy and government sector will gather together, to explore the trend and direction, share industrial and economic best practices, and discuss the state-of-art technologies and knowledge that will together pave the pathway for building a more sustainable and greener market and economy in China and around the world.



Highlights of the forum

LCA: The theme of the forum is product eco-design and green product assessment, as the matrix of evaluating product sustainability, product life cycle environmental impact assessment (LCA in Short) plays a key role to support product assessment, eco-design and green manufacturing and market; leading scholars from think tanks such as China Academy of Science and DRC of State Council will be invited to give a keynote speech on the concept of LCA and eco-design, its development and application;

Policies: Policy plays a fundamental role in China in implementation of efficient product eco-design and green product development, China-made 2025 in China and PEF in Europe are expected to be two of the game-changing policies in the world. Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) and Representative of Help Desk to PEF Policy in European Union are invited to deliver the updated policies in China and Europe, and provide insights for effective implementation suggestions among business, industrial associations and relevant stakeholders. Besides, researcher from Development and Research Center of State Council will also share China’s policy regarding building an ecological civilization in China.

Community: in order to build a transparent and credible framework to evaluate product environmental footprint along the whole product life cycle, i.e. value chain, a participatory instead of segregated approach has to be taken to enable dialogue and supportive culture to emerge, so that sharing of data, best practices and co-creation can only happen. On the forum a structured community – 1mi1 eco-design community will be introduced and members of the forum will have the chance to join and experience eco-design, developing green products, making standards and guidelines and other activities to improve eco-design and green product in China.





Scope and Requirement of Presentations Application

A forum without voice from the frontier of academic, business, market and social sectors won’t create cross-boundary learning and interaction, especial in the case with eco-design. Hence the scope of calling for presentation will highly encourage sharing of best practices and challenges in various sectors of work, including but is not limited to fields such as eco-design in transportation, energy, building, agriculture, packaging, material, fashion, electronic, chemical industries and unit like school, hotel and supermarket and etc.

The application letter to presentation has to be submitted to Ms. Meng, in email: mengqx@1mi1.cn, in the email please include your short bio, title and abstract of the presentation in one to two pages in English.

A total of 10 presentations will be selected by a panel of judgement (board of directors of 1mi1 community and invited guests from the community). All accepted speakers will be able to join the forum for free. A certificate of speech will be issued for accepted speakers.

Due to short note of invitation for presentations, speakers who is living in China now or already made the plan to visit Shanghai / China on January 26 2018 will be preferred for selection due to short of time for preparing Visa and logistic arrangement for international speakers.





Acceptance of presentation

Letter of acceptance and invitation will be sent to successful applicants before January 1 2018. 



Deadline of submission

The latest date to submit your presentation application letter is December 25 2017;

Any question regarding the forum or application please feel free to email Bill, CEO of 1mi1 eco-design community at bill.k@1mi1.cn

Thanks for your attention and we look forward to seeing you on Green Product Assessment and Eco-design China Forum in Shanghai.


提交演讲申请的最终截止日期是2017年12月25日。有关大会的问题请联系一米一社区龚万彬先生(邮件:bill.k@1mi1.cn). 感谢您的关注,期待在上海绿色产品评价及生态设计中国大会相会。

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