Tim Grant是一米一LCA与生态设计平台资深可持续发展及咨询顾问。Tim现在居住在澳大利亚。
Tim Grant is a specialist in life cycle assessment (LCA) with thirteen years experience developing and applying LCA with a wide range of companies and organisations. He is the Director of Life Cycle Strategies Pty Ltd, an Adjunct Professor at RMIT University's Centre for Design, and an Adjunct Research Fellow with CSIRO Division of Marine and Atmospheric Research.
Tim was founding member and president of the Australian Life Cycle Assessment Society (ALCAS), and is chairman of the Technical Committee of the Australia Life Cycle Database Initiative (AUSLCI).
He is a co-author of the book Life Cycle Assessment: Practices Principles and Prospects (CSIRO, 2009) and previously contributed to Design + Environment: A Global Guide to Designing Greener Goods (Greenleaf, 2001).Tim works across many different sectors in LCA including agriculture, energy, fuels, water products, buildings and waste management. In addition, he has worked on the development of LCA databases for Australia. He is also a member of the international editorial board and the Australian geographical editor for the ecoinvent LCA database.