发布时间:2016-01-27  阅读次数:5262



















成本: 0

对象: 愿意开发绿色产品或了解和学习产品LCA生态环境影响的中小企业SMEs






Sustainability Is A Journey

Not Meant To Be Traveled Alone

1mi1 (Spells ‘i: mi i: in Chinese,means one step at a time toward thousands of miles) Product Life Cycle Assessment and Ecodesign Platform is a critical decision and strategic move Ecovane has to make today, in order to mitigate the environmental (and social) burden and potential disaster hanging over the head of 1.3 billion people. Pushing the sustainability bottom line forward, 1mi1 is born to help sustainable value oriented business maintain growth and meanwhile generate more positive contribution to the environment and society.  


Before founding 1mi1, Bill (the founder of Ecovane Environmental Co,. Ltd and 1mi1 platform) and his friends from all over the world have been exploring the solutions for greener product assessment and development for over a decade. While Life cycle assessment (LCA) and life cycle management and LCA based ecodesign have helped products in many developed countries confronting the challenges of sustainability and staying ahead of competition, both business and consumers in China are still suffering often from the loud shout of commands and controls outside, but merely have the silence to listen to the voice or whispers from the product itself, which people personally produce and consume efficiently, green or not, everyday.


Product is more a complex system than a single management issue in house. Like an iceberg, to understand greener product it requires not only the well known 5% knowledge above the water (normally from the company within), but also the 95% knowledge and experience from the unknown unknown under the water, i.e. the whole value chain including supplychain, customers and stakeholders beyond, largely the economic, environment and social system the products operate in. When the chain of value is broken, sustainability becomes a chaos that can never lead to a clear way out, and ‘greener product’ becomes too convenient a pitfall for brands to not quickly fail themselves using poisons known as ‘greenwashing’ or other ‘bloodletting suicide therapies’ such as hiding the truth or sugarcoating.


Addressing the challenge of greener product and business development, 1mi1 was born to help people see through the complex and dynamic system of sustainability using life cycle perspective and a multi-stakeholder engagement approach. Building and based on a constructive platform for sustainability value co-creation, 1mi1 aims to unite LCA experts, designers, product developers, opinion leaders and decision makers to tackle the big and complex challenge facing us all.




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